TNV System Certification Pvt. Ltd. is accredited by IAS (International Accreditation Service) for the following management system standards:
- ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management System (QMS)
- ISO 14001-2015 Environment Management System (EMS)
- ISO 45001-2018 Occupational Health Safety Management System (OHSMS)
- ISO 27001-2022 Information Security Management System (ISMS)
- ISO 22301-2019 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)
- ISO 37001-2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)
- ISO 27001-2013 (Information Security management System)-Transition**
For More details like scope of accreditation, please visit the official website of the IAS that is IAS Online and link is
**Mark represent that this standards i.e. ISO 27001:2013 has been upgraded and latest updated version is ISO 27001:2022. All Certificates issued under ISO 27001:2013 shall be transited to latest updated version ISO 27001:2022 latest by 31 October, 2025. Old certificates have an opportunity to complete the transition before 31 October, 2025.Accreditation from IAS provides independent verification that businesses, organizations and governmental entities are competent and comply with industry and/or international standards. Headquartered in California, IAS is an internationally recognized accreditation body that has been providing world-class customer service since 1975.IAS is a non-profit, public-benefit corporation that has been providing accreditation services since 1975. It is a subsidiary of the International Code Council (ICC), a professional membership association that develops the construction codes and standards used by most municipalities within the United States. IAS accredits a wide range of companies and organizations including governmental entities, commercial businesses, and professional associations. IAS accreditation programs are based on recognized national and international standards that ensure domestic and/or global acceptance of its accreditations.
TNV is permitted to operate with IAS accreditation worldwide and have revewed the risk for the following countries.
Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, France, Gabon (Gabonese Republic), Georgia, Greece, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iraq, Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, Republic of Maldives, Republic of South Africa, Romania, Rwanda, Singapore, Sri Lanka, State of Kuwait, State of Qatar, Sultanate of Oman, Taiwan (Republic of China, ROC), Tanzania(United Republic of Tanzania), Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom & United States of America.
International Credentials:
As one of the leading accreditation bodies in the United States, IAS is a signatory to the four primary international organisations that form a unified system for evaluating and recognising competent accreditation bodies worldwide. These organisations are identified as “cooperations†because they have agreed to cooperate with one another by adhering to a common set of accreditation criteria and to undergo periodic onsite evaluation to determine ongoing compliance with ISO/IEC Standard 17011, General Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies (CABs). Being a “signatory†means that an accreditation body has been evaluated onsite at its offices, a sampling of the assessments of its accredited entities have been witnessed by peer experts, and that it has been found to comply with international requirements.
These organizations agree to recognize the equivalence of accreditations granted by other signatory member accreditation bodies through a series of Mutual (or Multilateral) Recognition Arrangements (MRAs/MLAs). Once an accreditation body becomes a signatory it is obligated to recognize the certificates or reports issued by conformity assessment bodies accredited by all other signatories within a specified scope. The following organizations make up the unified system for recognition of competent accreditation bodies (ABs): more details about the IAS is available on